The Power of Just ONE Chair Squat

Over the past year I’ve been experimenting with improving my leg strength during which I gained back a lost skill. I share the surprising results below.

Since my ALS diagnosis in 2010, I’ve followed a daily practice of range-of-motion exercises based on fundamental movements taught by the strength and movement specialist company Original Strength. I also do a series of modified yoga, Pilates, and gymnastics moves.

But, somewhere along my ALS journey, I lost the ability to sit down and get up again without needing someone’s help. My sitting was more of a free-fall “plopping” onto the chair. Getting up required great effort. I’d take a heave-ho push and then lean onto a nearby side table or have someone grab my hands to pull me onto my feet — not a pleasant experience.

One day, I got fed up with all my plopping and pulling and worried that I was losing my leg strength for-ever. So, I designed a mini program to improve my failing leg strength.

In general, exercise for ALS patients is meant to maintain joint mobility and muscle strength. Studies rarely mention the word improvement.

But, I wondered, What’s the worst that could happen? If nothing improves, then I’ll just be right where I started. At least, I wanted to know I tried.

My plan of attack

In gyms worldwide, the tried and true leg strengthening exercise is a full squat.

Yikes! A full squat would have me calling 911. I better look up a modification!

I remembered that the easiest, bottom-rung version of a full squat is an air squat: From a stand, bend the knees a little, then return to a stand. Don’t laugh; it’s an accepted fitness exercise. 

I wasn’t laughing. All I could manage was a drop of about 4 inches before my leg muscles began tremoring. However, I managed 10 in a row. So, I added air squats to my daily routine.

I also knew that to make any real progress, I would have to practice with a real chair.

Down, up, and down again

Positioned with a chair behind me and a rollator in front, I lowered my hips down toward the chair as slowly as I could, resisting all the way.

Once safely seated, I counted “one!”

Frankly, that’s all I could do! It was a “humble-pie moment,” as my grand visions of easily knocking off 10 quickly faded away. Be willing to do just one, I firmly told myself as I set a new goal to do one very slow “sit-down” every day for a week.

Turns out I didn’t have to wait a week! Within four days I figured out that one slow “sit-down” in the morning and another in the afternoon would double my progress. By week’s end, I doubled it again.

Within another week I was able to sit down and rock myself back up to a stand by leaning on my rollator handles. The revised goal became two down-and-ups twice a day — adding one more every week.

At the end of one month, I was doing 10! Slowly, yes, but 10 twice a day … 20 a day! I was smiling!

My new goal was 40 a day!

Here's a great review of how to do a chair squat. Note the body position (no slumping!) and, I do these holding onto a rollator that's directly in front of me.

Slow progress

At some point I switched from air squats to legitimate chair squats, actually touching down onto the chair before standing up. I finally hit my goal of 40 a day, divided up as 10 repetitions four times a day. I even felt guilty when backing up to sit down if I didn’t do one or two chair squats just for the heck of it before finally sitting.

Mind you, this endeavor takes time, especially when living with ALS. I had good-feeling days, low-energy days, and “I’m just too busy” days. But whenever I felt like giving up, I’d chant my mantra: Be willing to do just one!

The results?

I’m still at 40 chair squats per day. I still hold onto my rollator for balance while doing them. It still takes effort to get up from a chair. However, I don’t need anyone to help me and I don’t feel shaky anymore.
My posture has improved and when I walk with my rollator, I walk a little taller.

At my last visit to the ALS Clinic, the physical therapist commented that my leg muscles tested stronger.

“Forty chair squats a day!” I blurted out.

Raising an eyebrow, he replied, “Whatever you’re doing, keep on doing it.”

UPDATE:  It’s been almost a year since I began doing chair squats - - and I continue to do them e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. Now, I can sit onto my chair, wait a few seconds, then stand up without rocking or great effort. I still hold onto my rollator, but I have renewed confidence in my leg and hip muscles.

And continued confidence in the power of: “be willing to do just one!”

Image by happyveganfit from Pixabay 

A version of this post first appeared as my column on the ALS News Today website.

Dagmar Munn
ALS and Wellness Blogger

If you never try,

you'll never know.


  1. That's great! Before my diagnosis I went to a physio and that was one of the exercises prescribed;along with rising up on your toes, 3 sets of ten. And others.

  2. Thank you for this! I’m gonna give it a try! I have some bad “pity party” days- this may help encourage me.

  3. I am gonna give this a try too! Thanks

  4. I love this idea !! Thank you . I will start with just one squat tomorrow at work with my cane nearby.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They will be posted soon.