Dagmar’s ALS Challenge: No buckets of ice & no videos - - Just your VOTE!

Exciting news!

My ALS and Wellness Blog has been nominated for Healthline’s 2016 Best Blog Contest  - - and I need your vote to win!

The contest runs November 21st through December 12th, 2016, and since you can vote once every 24-hours - - your repeat votes count.  It’s super-easy to vote (my instructions are below).

Together we can raise awareness for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) - - please share this post and encourage others to vote as well. Together we can WIN - - 1st place is a $1,000 prize which I will donate to the ALS Association.

Thank you for voting!

** Are you a new reader to my blog? Use the handy list of titles on the right to read any of my past posts. Or, here is one I suggest, filled with lots of ALS humor!

2.      Once the page fully loads, scroll toward the bottom SEARCH BOX and type in ALS
3.      "ALS and Wellness Blog" should appear. Enter your email and click “VOTE”
4.      The page will turn grey and at the top will be a box asking you to confirm you are not a robot.
5.      You will be returned to the voting page:

  • First time voters: click “send a confirmation email.” IMPORTANT: Your vote will added to our total once you click confirm this message on YOUR email site.
  • Repeat voters: the purple "Vote" box will have a check-mark. Success!

Then do it once again EVERY 24-hours!

Thank you!

Why Do We Need to Raise Awareness of ALS?

ALS was first discovered in 1869 by French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, but most folks hadn’t even heard of the disease until the 2014 “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

ALS strikes the healthy and fit as well as those that aren’t.

ALS is seen equally among men and women, with the average age of onset at 40-60 years old.

ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries. 

ALS used to be considered a rare disease. Now the lifetime risk of acquiring ALS is 1 in 400, a number that is similar to the incidence of multiple sclerosis.

Every day an average of 15 people are newly diagnosed with ALS — more than 5,600 people per year. The number worldwide is estimated at around 450,000. 
Dagmar Munn
ALS and Wellness Blogger 

I believe ALS is fully curable...it's just under-funded!

ALS Wellness Life Dimensions Model: How You Can Live a Balanced Life While Living with ALS (Part 1)

Image: Rita Amador

(The following was a Power Point presentation I created for the
2016 ALS Association Clinical Care Conference held in San Diego,
Nov. 2-4, 2016. I've modified it into a 3-part post in order
to share it with you here on my ALS and Wellness Blog)

Part 1

Fortunately for me, most of my life experiences did not include extreme hardship or adversity. Oh sure, I've faced various challenges throughout my life, but nothing equal to that of being diagnosed with ALS!

As a lifelong health and fitness enthusiast, culminating with 25 years managing a hospital-based wellness program in Iowa - - I taught wellness to healthy individuals as well as those living with a chronic illness. Often I was invited as a guest speaker by various local medical support groups.

Having the diagnosis of ALS, put me on the other side of the table; facing my own adversity, searching for my own answers and - - needing help.

Mid-way into my second year of living with ALS, along with encouragement and input from the Tucson ALS Clinic team members and the Arizona ALS Association, I wrote a self-help eBook for others who like me were living with this strange illness. I shared personal humorous anecdotes to describe my first year with the disease and documented my emotional transition from initial shock and sadness to finally feeling balanced and optimistic.

The book received positive attention worldwide and led me to create and author ALS and Wellness, an online blog that continues to share more examples of ALS-related wellness motivation, inspiration and humor. I joined several ALS Facebook groups, tweeted and read other’s blogs and personal stories.

But it wasn’t until I was well into my sixth year of living with ALS that I attended my very first ALS support group meeting. Eager to make new acquaintances, I looked forward to sharing news about my eBook and Blog as well as learning what others were doing. The meeting began with each person stating their name and telling everyone a bit about themselves.

A woman sitting near me began with, “Hello everyone, my name is “- - - -. “ Then matter-of-factly, she continued with; “I’ve had ALS for three years now and……… I’m waiting to die.”

The room fell silent - - but only for a few moments; introductions carried on; no one commented, acknowledged or seemed shocked in any way at her announcement.

Three months later I received word that this poor woman had indeed passed away.

I was stunned.

Image: DodgertonSkillhause 

That experience launched my new quest to learn more about why those of us with ALS all have such different outlooks and how I can help others find their emotional balance while living with ALS.  

The emotional impact of ALS on patients including their caregivers, family and friends is immense. While no two journeys with ALS are alike we can learn valuable lessons from those who have found balance and continue to live full lives while managing their decline in physical function.

Many factors influence length of survival and quality of life for someone with ALS. But only one factor exists that you, the patient can have a direct influence over - - Your own psychological well-being.

For some a positive state of mind is easily mastered. For others, the struggle feels endless.   

Studies show that for the person with ALS, contending with the steady loss of physical function most often leads to less socialization and increased isolation. In addition, the growing feelings of loss of control and having lost meaning for one’s life give rise to the state of abject hopelessness.  

Studies also show that experiencing a lack of meaning in life is a predictor of hopelessness and for patients with ALS; hopelessness is a strong predictor of suicidal thoughts 4,5 

Until only recently, the assumption was, “If a person has ALS, then he/she must be depressed and have a low quality of life.” 2

But we continue to see many patients who accept their diagnosis and seem to effortlessly “move on” with their lives. They “find a way,” adopt a personal mission and not only continue to participate in family and social events; many join fund raising and awareness campaigns as well. Others travel, join sporting events and remain noticeably positive, optimistic and hopeful.

Their challenging life crisis is faced with resilience and a changed sense of priorities. They transition through adversity, cope with and survive change.

Yet both groups share the very same diagnosis - - that of having ALS!

Can these resilient behaviors be adopted by others?

I believe they can and will share with you exactly how, through the use of the ALS Life Dimensions Model. Using it has helped me immensely and I believe it can be a valuable tool for you as well. Something you can use to support specific behaviors to improve your mental well-being and quality of life.

When I analyzed the past six years of my own life with ALS, I noticed a familiar pattern emerging. Without having a conscious intent to do so, I was following the very same principles of wellness I had taught to others those many years ago. These included various stress management techniques and the Six Dimensional Model of Wellness developed in the 1970s by Dr. Bill Hettler, University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point and co-founder of the Wellness Institute.

His model represents elements and behaviors by which anyone can create their own pathway to optimal living. Today his theory continues to be taught to health students, is used in professional settings and is widely regarded a defining theory for the term “wellness.”

The six dimensions of wellness are: Occupational, Physical, Social, Intellectual, Spiritual and Emotional.

Even though current trends in our ‘body conscious’ society encourage us to equate optimal health with diet, exercise and looking young, Dr. Hettler’s model shows us that high level wellness or optimal living can be achieved even by those considered “unwell;” especially when judged on their age or life condition.                                                                                                                                                    
Since those early days in the 70s, when Dr. Hettler first introduced his model, subsequent wellness programs modified it a bit by adding more dimensions such as: the environment and civil responsibility.  But when asked as to which wellness model is the best, Dr. Hettler simply replied, “The one you use.” So, I knew that I could adapt it for my current needs as well.  

I was using five dimensions: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social and Spiritual. Why five? These were the areas that I found myself repeatedly addressing and reassessing during each of these past six years. Here is the model I created: 
Let’s pause for a moment and look at just one more important model.  This one will help put all the pieces together. Published in 2015, it represents a thematic synthesis of 29 studies covering 342 individuals with ALS in which researchers identified two pathways, or ‘emotional choices’ made by ALS patients when experiencing loss. It might seem a little "busy" at first, but take your time to look it over - - following the pathway or loop on the right side, then the one on the left. 

The two loops show how patient choices led to either enabling feelings of hope and coping or, disabling those same feelings. 

Responses that disabled hope and coping were:

·         Disengaging from roles, activities and interactions and,
·         Having periods of greater dependency on others and increased isolation.

This in turn led to greater periods of succumbing and as the patients continued to experience on-going changes or loss, they finally gave in to hopelessness. As I mentioned earlier, hopelessness is a strong predictor of suicidal thoughts. 4,5,6,7

That’s not very uplifting news and certainly not new news to those of us living with the disease!

Let’s look instead at what enabled sense of hope and coping. These responses included:

•             Challenging the loss or problem by reappraisal.
•             Accepting the loss or problem without resigning to it.
•             Focusing on what could be done to aid the situation.
•             Retaining control, autonomy or agency.
•             Relying on supportive relationships.
•             The proactive use of functional and technological aides.

"But wait," you might be thinking,“Those behaviors are easier said than done!”   

That’s where my ALS Life Dimensions Model comes in and the three-step process that helps us learn how to choose and implement enabling behaviors along with building stronger coping strategies. All of which will help you face each ALS-related change in your life with more confidence and emotional strength.

The Enabling Model will be our road map that guides us and our ALS Dimensions Model will be the method we use to move from one stage to the next.


I look forward to your feedback and comments - - as well as your success stories!

Dagmar Munn
ALS and Wellness Blogger


1.     Cure – A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body, Marchant, Jo. PhD., Crown Publishers; 1 edition (January 19, 2016)

2.     Rabkin, Judith G., Albert, Steven M., Rowland, Lewis P. and Mitsumoto, Hiroshi. (2009) How Common is Depression Among ALS Caregivers? A Longitudinal Study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2009 Oct–Dec; 10(5-6): 448–455. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2888701/

3.    Soundy A. and Condon N. (2015) Patients experiences of Maintaining Mental Well-being and Hope within Motor Neuron Disease: a Thematic Synthesis” Front Psychol. 6:606.dol:10.3389/fpsycg. 2015.00606 4

4.    Plahuta, J.M., McCulloch, B.J., Kasarskis, E.J., Ross, M.A., Walter, R.A., and McDonald, E.R. (2002). Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Hopelessness: Psychosocial Factors. Soc. Sci. Med. 5,2131–2140.doi:10.1016/S0277-9536(01)00356-2

5.    Blackhall, 2012). Blackhall, L.J. (2012).Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Palliative Care: Where We Are, and the Road Ahead. Muscle Nerve 45,311–318.doi:10.1002/mus.22305

6.    Averill, A.J., Kasarskis, E.J., and Segerstrom, S.C. (2007). Psychological Health in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Amyotroph.Lateral Scler. 8, 243–254.doi:10.1080/17482960701374643

7.    McLeod, J.E., and Clarke, D.M. (2007). A Review of Psychosocial Aspects of Motor Neurone Disease. J.Neurol.Sci. 258,4–10.doi:10.1016/j.jns.2007.03.001

8.   The Six Dimensions of Wellness - - The National Wellness Institute

9.   Pagnini, Francesco and Castelnuvo, Glanluca. Psychological Issues in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Frontiers in
      Psychology. February, 2016. ISSN 1664-8714, ISBN 978-2-88919-758-3, DOI 10.3389/978-2-88919-758-3


Thank you!
                                University of Arizona ALS Clinic at Banner UMC
                                Katalin Scherer, MD
                                Holli A. Horak, MD
                                Donna McArthur, PhD, APRN, BC, FAANP                                                  
                                ALS Association of Arizona

Just Three Steps: How to Live a Balanced Life While Living with ALS (Part 2)

Maybe your life was humming along just fine "Before ALS” - -  I know mine was. And sure, perhaps the way we reacted to Life’s many stressors might not have been all that perfect ...but we got by.

But let’s be honest. Living with ALS; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and dealing with the accumulating challenges and changes plus, trying to keep up with family schedules and other obligations can wear a person down! Seems our old reliable coping styles are in need of assistance!

That's where the ALS Wellness Life Dimensions model comes in. It's a simple daily method that has been of tremendous help to me these past six years I've been living with ALS.

First, some truths:

1.) Recent research* shows that adopting resilient behaviors and attitudes will improve your well-being, health, comfort and happiness. 2.) You alone control your mental and emotional states. 3.) And our bridge to crossover from the land of dry research and statistics into real-world applications and quality of life is by way of the ALS Life Dimensions Model.

Let’s get started!

Physical – Emotional – Intellectual – Social - Spiritual

These five dimensions are essential for living a balanced, happy life. But, they can slowly diminish when for example, we restrict our daily activities, reduce our circle of friends, have more of our health decisions made without our input and begin losing our sense of value as a person.

We can however keep our Life Dimensions balanced and full through behaviors that include: taking responsibility for our emotional feelings, challenging our illness and accepting problems without resigning into them, relying on supportive relationships and controlling the controllable aspects of our life.

In general, the five different dimensions are inter-connected and even though we may at times need to focus more on one over another, together they hold equal status in our overall well-being. As soon as we become aware of an over-emphasis on one dimension, we check-in with the remaining dimensions and explore ways to make adjustments or increases in each. A change in one dimension will have an effect on several other dimensions.

For instance, losing the ability to walk or drive a car may affect social activities and self-esteem. Using an electric wheel-chair or arranging for shared transportation can be solutions that allow for continued social activities and improved self-esteem.

How do keep our Life Dimensions in balance or correct them if we sense they’ve shifted? By following a simple three-step process:


The diagram below show entire process: We begin on the left - - Life Dimensions in balance. If, we experience a change (or loss) we then begin the three-step process of ASSESS-RE FRAME-BALANCE with the goal of bringing our Life Dimensions back into balance again. 

>>> Step 1 - ASSESS the situation.

Ask yourself what has changed (lost). Try to be as specific as possible.

Then, ask yourself how you feel about the identified change or loss. Your goal is to be in a state of mind where you accept the change/loss. 

If you can't quite accept it yet (feelings of anger, denial, sadness, etc.) then read Part 4 Lifelines (post coming soon) for a list of techniques that I've used to process and accept change.

>>>Step 2 – RE FRAME the change (or loss) into a challenge.

This requires a mental shift or reappraisal of your situation from a different perspective from where you are now. (Read this post to learn how)

For example, with a loss of the ability to walk make a list with two columns: named "A" and "B." Under "A" list all the places and locations you need access to (example: across the house, in the grocery store) Then, Under "B" identify what could be used to get you from A-to-B. Such as, to move across the house: a walker. In the grocery store: a store provided electric cart, and so on.  As you brainstorm enlist the help of others for ideas, possible solutions and how to bring solutions into reality.

>>>Step 3 – BALANCE your Life Dimensions.

Review the Life Dimensions definitions. As you read through each one take time to reflect how your life matches the statement  If something is not in agreement, apply the ASSESS-RE FRAME-BALANCE process once again.

Physical Life Dimension
• Our body’s physical health, its level of function, and the physical changes
   brought on by disease progression. 
• Our proactive use of medical equipment, appliances and medication.
• Our intake of quality nutrition, practice of regular therapeutic exercise,
   quality sleep and regular daily physical activity. 

Emotional Life Dimension
• Our ability to cope with change and accept the disease we live with. 
• Our contentment and happiness. 
• Our ability to express stress appropriately and effectively.
• We are coping day by day and living in the present moment.

Intellectual Life Dimension
• Our creativity, curiosity and pursuit of learning experiences.
• We share our intellect and mental gifts with others.
• We pursue personal interests while keeping a world-view. 

Social Life Dimension
• Our interpersonal (family, caregivers, friends) relationships remain strong.
• We remain connected with our community.
• We use appropriate methods of communication to continue
   to engage with others.

Spiritual Life Dimension
• We have meaning and purpose for our life.
• We continue to participate in service to others.
• Our actions are consistent with our beliefs and values.
• We are content with our spiritual beliefs.

Are you ready to begin? It's really not that difficult once you get used to the process and this method can quickly become your new healthy daily habit. I find that whenever I notice I'm beginning to feel ‘down’ or stressed, I check–in with my feelings and mentally visualize the five dimensions. Then I'm able to assess the cause and can figure out what I need to do for re-balance. Overall the process helps me feel more in control and more relaxed throughout my day.

I look forward to your feedback and comments - - as well as your success stories!


* References:
Soundy A. and Condon N. (2015) Patients experiences of Maintaining Mental Well-being and Hope within Motor Neuron
Disease: a Thematic Synthesis” Front Psychol. 6:606.dol:10.3389/fpsycg. 2015.00606 4

Dagmar Munn
ALS and Wellness Blogger

"This disease wanted to monopolize my attention, but as much as possible, I would focus on my life instead."
Winifred Gallagher Rapt, author
Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life

Re-Framing: How to Live a Balanced Life While Living with ALS (Part 3)

Image: cheriedurbin

In PART 1 and PART 2 of the ALS Life Dimension Model we learned that despite having ALS, you can impact and improve the quality of your life by adopting resilient attitudes and behaviors. This continuation blog post takes us through two examples of using the three-step process:

1.       Assess what has changed and your feelings about that change.
2.       Re-frame the change into a challenge.
3.       Balance and re-balance each life dimension.

First, an example from my own life:

Ever since moving to Arizona I always looked forward to the first Tuesday of each month! - - That’s when a group I belong to holds its monthly meetings. Our membership is made up of local fiber artists and crafters. For me, the monthly topics are so interesting and the members so enthusiastic that I always leave in high spirits and feeling completely rejuvenated.

Even as my ALS symptoms increased I remained an active member; serving as vice-president, and teaching several workshops. But last year, with the onset of dysarthria (the loss of effective control of my voice) I thought my days with the group were over for good.

What changed?  My ability to communicate and connect with others.

My feelings?  They engulfed me: I felt angry, sad, worried, dejected and more! But, I took the time to examine each feeling; testing against logic and reality. For instance, I worried that my slow speech would cause others to assume my mental abilities were slow as well. I imagined ‘worst-case’ scenarios that had me at the meetings but sitting all alone in the back of the room and eventually dropping out of the group altogether.  Both imaginings were of course, false. Nobody would think I’ve suddenly lost my ‘marbles’ and these are not the kind of folks who would shun me for having a disability.  

It took courage, but one by one I faced each fear while keeping myself grounded in the ‘present moment.’

How did I re-frame?  When the position of writing the group’s monthly online newsletter became available - - I volunteered! It was a perfect fit that allowed me to continue to participate, to contribute by way of my computer skills and the job didn’t rely directly on oral communication.

Yes, it was a huge learning curve, but a fun and challenging one. I have the freedom to add creativity and special effects to each newsletter and the positive comments that come from members enhance my sense of value as a person.

And - - I continue to look forward to the first Tuesday of the month and sharing, learning and laughing among supportive friends!

My experience in terms of the ALS Wellness Dimensions Model would look like this:

My second example is of an experience we all share - - our diagnosis.

What changed?  Too often, patients and their family members have had bad experiences surrounding the moment they received the diagnosis of ALS. They may have heard, “I’m sorry you have ALS/MND. This is a fatal disease for which there is no cure. Most patients live from two to four years. Go home and get your papers in order.”

Maybe their physician did deliver the diagnosis with compassion and even offered support BUT upon arriving home, “Dr. Google” was consulted.  Days and weeks were spent scouring the Internet; reading gloom and doom articles about the disease, rants against the medical system and of the tempting bogus treatments found on unscrupulous web sites.

Our feelings?  We all share the psychic ‘trauma’ of the diagnosis; of learning that our lives have changed forever. A trauma that can send some of us into the stress responses: flight, fight or freeze. Anger, denial, sadness, fear are all valid emotional responses - - but unhealthy emotions to hold onto for the months and years ahead.

How to re-frame?  We can take advantage of our brain’s neuroplasticity - - our brain’s ability to reorganize itself to recover, relearn and even reverse specific thinking patterns - - to re-frame a new more positive memory of our diagnosis.

This one, offered by the very helpful international non-profit organization, ALS Worldwide can become your new template. 

"You have a serious neurological disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease and Motor Neurone Disease.  We don’t yet know the cause of this disease, but it affects the voluntary muscles of the body. Your voice is slurry and your legs are not as strong as they once were. But we can give you medications and supports that can help minimize the symptoms.  There’s a lot you can do to help yourself.  Exercise and nutrition help maintain muscle strength.  Some new medications will help your speech and mood. With our excellent support staff and therapists to assist you, there is reason to be encouraged.  Together we can help you live a full, productive life and maintain a sense of hope for your future." http://alsworldwide.org/care-and-support/article/a-new-kind-of-diagnosis

I suggest you save it and read it once a day until this becomes your new memory, your new ‘personal story’ of your diagnosis - - One that will allow you to re-balance your life dimensions and move forward; to focus on your Life, not on your disease.

I look forward to your feedback and comments - - as well as your success stories!

Dagmar Munn
ALS and Wellness Blogger

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Email recipients: Use this link for website version.

20 Top ALS & Wellness Posts!

I just noticed that the little box (over there on the far right side) that counts worldwide visitors to my blog has reached the mighty number of 31,200!

Now that's a lot of guests to the party!    A lot of eyeballs reading posts!    And waaaay too many people searching for information about ALS - - we really need a treatment and cure for this disease - - and SOON!

I'm certainly very grateful to have so many visitors and pleased to know that my posts and links are helping others. So, to help new readers find their way, I've collected the 5 most popular posts among the top four topics that  readers seemed to refer to the most.

If you find any of these especially helpful, feel free to pass them along to others.

ALS Exercise Tips
Managing Your Stress

Dealing with ALS Transitions

ALS Humor

And what was the #1 visited page on my site?

There’s a reason for it too…if you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you do. My book is filled with numerous personal and humorous anecdotes which through my background in wellness I share with you practical advice for creating a resilient life. It has been downloaded over 2,362 times.

Dagmar Munn
ALS and Wellness Blogger

In the end, it’s not about the direction Dory swims in, or how she gets there - - it’s that she just keeps swimming at all.
Angus MacLane, 
Co-director of the movie Finding Nemo